Currently, proper sanitization of your spa or pool is important to stay safe and protected during this COVID-19 pandemic situation. Therefore, buying right hot tubs chemical products makes really sense.
Now it’s easy and efficient with Bromine Pool and Spa Tablets available at Northern Lights Solar Solutions. All you need to do is to fill up pucks in your standard spa tablet dispenser. This way, you will leave your spa clean and properly sanitized.
These bromine tablets are approved to use for all varieties of wooden hot tubs, spas and pools. They are specifically formulated to work with different hot tubs and spas. Northern Lights bromine tablets work really well with standard spa puck dispensers.
They are able to control the growth of bacteria and algae in spa water. If you use them as directed, they work effectively like spa water sanitizer and disinfectant.
You should fill the dispenser and make adjustments on dial to maintain ideal sanitization level for the water volume as per the water test reading. You may think why you use bromine over chlorine for the sanitization of your spa or hot tub at home. Here are a few reasons why using bromine rather than chlorine is a must:
Chlorine pucks are available with shelf life. After using them one and half year, gas trapped in the powdered pucks could escape easily. But bromine tablets have no shelf life.
When chlorine kills bacteria, it becomes inert. When you add spa shock to your spa, it regenerates bromine salt into bromine. It means adding spa shock will make the bromine last much longer than chlorine.
Using chlorine in spa water can help you fight against algae more effectively. But bromine is much efficient in killing harmful bacteria and virus.
When you use chlorine, it will combine with ammonia and nitrogen in spa water. It will result in several problems like red eyes, itchy skin and awful smell. But bromine doesn’t combine with ammonia or nitrogen and doesn’t offer negative side effects.
While using high temperatures in a hot tub, chlorine gets active and tends to dissolve into its gas form. As a result, it will lead to inefficiency. Bromine remains intact in the heat of a hot tub.
Upon getting in contact with high pH level spa water, chlorine loses around 75% of its sanitization ability. The high pH level results when multiple users use a space at once. But bromine remains unaffected by high pH levels nearly.
Are you thinking to buy hot tubs chemical products online? You should look no further than Northern Lights Cedar Tub Direct. For more information about our hot tubs chemical products including bromine tablets, feel free to contact us at 1-800-759-8990.

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