When it comes to buying a hot tub heater, it’s wise to invest in Balboa EL series hot tub heating kit. The Elite Series has:
State of the art design
Ease installation and serviceability
Multi-level diagnostic abilities
M7 flow and temperature sensors that replace failure-prone mechanical pressure or flow switch
The Elite Series (EL) family in Balboa hot tub control systems is designed with Balboa patented M7 temperature and water flow sensor technology. It has become a new universal control platform. These specifications enhance the reliability, ease of installation and serviceability of the control.
The innovative features hot tub heater; include onboard output connectors that eliminate a maze of wires in the enclosure and reduce assembly time as well as the margin for error. It has built-in programmable features like a filter cycle programming by duration or timing of the day.
This heating system includes different power saving modes like sleep mode, economy mode, and standard economy mode. Also feature ozone suppression, clean up cycle, freeze protection, panel lock, temperature lock, standby mode for filter change and sophisticated diagnosis. It can be able to choose how much current will be drawn allowing a breaker as low as 30 Amp. Still can deliver 5.5kW electric heat
Balboa EL Series has following benefits:
Flexibility and High Reliability
The Balboa EL Series hot tub heaters have a plastic enclosure to avoid intrusion of water. Connectors are present on the circuit in order to minimize wires and simplify service. The different models feature with controls for a single two-speed pump or an additional pump or blower. All models of hot tub heaters have a convertible power supply that can be wired for 120 or 240 volts. It can feature a 1.0, 1.5, 4.0 or 5.5 KW heater and support ML panels.
The EL series
Designed for Easy Installation and Service
The EL family is based on a common universal control platform, which increases feature flexibility while reducing installation and configuration problems. The units incorporate Balboa’s patented M7® temperature probe technology, which eliminates the more failure prone pressure switches and simplifies the installation process by not having to drill additional holes in the spa.
Proven Reliability
There is an availability of over 2 million controls in the spas throughout the world using the M7 technology. The Elite series spa control systems are built using M7 technology and deliver optimal performance as well as satisfaction.
Through EL series is a universal control platform that increases feature versatility and minimizes configuration headaches. The combination of patented M7 technology and water flow sensor makes the Balboa EL series including Balboa EL2000 leader in maintaining quality and reliability.
For buying Balboa EL2000 online, please visit us today and let us help you choose only the best in the industry! If you have any queries regarding our products and specifications, please get back to us and we’ll reach you as soon as possible!

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- Balboa EL2000
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- Balboa EL2000
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