Are you looking to buy a Balboa hot tub heater? Here are a few types you should consider for ultimate hot tub experience:
1. Balboa PN 55629 Replacement Titanium Heater Element
This Balboa hot tub heater comes with PN 55629 heater tube assembly. This is generally used in Balboa’s EL series of spa packs. This unit is available with sensors. The titanium heater element is capable of producing 5.5 kW at 240 V and 1.375 kW at 120V.
Upon buying this kit, you will be provided with 2” slip tail pieces, gaskets and split ring nuts. However, this titanium heating element is ideal for high chlorine levels or salt water pool or spas.
2. Balboa Temperature Sensor with 12 Inch Cable PN 30344
This hot tub heater features with PN 30344 that comprises of the standard thermostat temperature sensor. It’s used in the M7 series spa packs like VS, GS, EL, and GL series. If these sensors don’t match so that an SN error message appears, one of the sensors or both needs to be replaced to recreate a matched
Do you just love your hot tub? Your hot tub water is properly balanced and warm; but you find something missing. However, you need hot tub accessories for your ultimate hot tub experience.
Soaking in a hot tub feels amazing; but with good quality hot tub accessories, it can be a paradise. Whether you want to create a peaceful spa retreat, family bonding or good ambience for your get together, your hot tub will make you most out of your overall experience.
If you seek for functionality and convenience, taking a hot tub session will give you ultimate relaxation and peace of mind you and your guests want. Here are some of the best accessories you prefer buying for your hot tub:
1. Hot Tub Cover
A hot tub is a big investment in your home. Therefore, you need to protect your hot tub from the external elements. This is where a hot tub cover comes in handy. It helps in providing lower operational costs by ensuring additional insulation.
When you use a hot tub cover, it’ll keep the heat absorbed
Saltwater Sanitization Kits: –
Do you want to switch to salt water sanitization? But do not want to consider re-plumbing your hot tub or spa? If yes, then there is a solution to your problem, Tubby Spa Pilot Saltwater Sanitization kit. This kit is manufactured by Lectranator, the largest manufacturer of commercial salt water pool system around the world. It is a simple yet efficient kit; which requires absolutely no plumbing.
However, salt water sanitization has become a popular choice for sanitizing hot tubs, pools and spas. Though salt water has been commonly used in Australia and Europe for nearly 40 years, now it has become more common choice in North America.
Installation Procedure: –
Add the Tubby Starter Salts to the water.
Install the Tubby by plugging it into a GFI protected plug or your spa pack
Make some adjustment in the power setting according the amount of chlorine your hot tub needs
Add power pouches or MPS Shock after bathing
Quick Facts About Tubby Saltwater Sanitization Kit:
More often, sauna bathers never give a second thought to hot tub plumbing in Canada. When it comes to enjoying hot tub sessions, all you want is to focus on relaxation and enjoyment. You won’t need to figure out how water gets pushed through the jets.
At least once in a while, you should find yourself wondering how your hot tub creates soothing and tranquil ambiance. Take a look at this post and understand better about hot tub plumbing systems in Canada:
Understanding the Basic Details of Hot Tub Plumbing Kits
Now it’s time to get started with an empty hot tub. First of all, you should know what will happen when you fill it with water.
Skimmer and Suction Line –
Suction line will start sucking in water whereas the skimmer will remove debris like leaves, insects, etc. Both the skimmer and suction line are responsible for sending water to the pump.
Filter and Pump –
After that, the suction line collects the water and the skimmer takes it to the pump. The pump pushes the water towards the
Hot tub accessories play a significant role in creating wonderful experience. Spa and hot tub ionizer makes for the best selection for your relaxing hot tub session. If you are looking for a perfect way to minimize chemical consumption in your pool or spa, a hot tub spa and pool mineral ionizer sanitization is must.
With Argenia Clear Blue Mineral Spa & Hot Tub Ionizer A-400 -120V, you will have a cleaner hot tub. You won’t need to get stressed about chemical maintenance and ongoing expenses constantly. If you are looking for an affordable alternative to chemical sanitization, you should consider mineral ionization.
Ionization is a process that occurs naturally when atoms gain or lose electrons. Natural minerals when charged electrically work like ionizers. Argenia Clear Blue ionization system uses three different metals like silver, zinc and copper ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.
The Presence of Metals in Spa & Hot Tub Sanitizer –
Silver (Ag) –
Silver ions kill over 650 types
You may be using a hot tub for pain relief, massage or leisure activities but you need to repair or maintain it with quality accessories all the time. It is now easier to find the latest hot tub accessories on our website, from wood fired hot tub heaters and propane/gas spa heaters to electric spa packs. Our collection includes discounted spa accessories and hot tub equipments including the luxury of sanitization like mineral ionization, salt water sanitizers and ozone generators. We stock spa and hot tub parts from leading manufacturers of the world that can fit every possible model of plastic spa/tub model. Be it is your desire for shopping Balboa spa heater, Balboa LED lighting system for tub, Balboa spa controllers, Balboa 2000EL spa pack or hot tub pumps, you can have guaranteed discounted price on our site. All of our products are certified and safe for use in every kind of hot tub/spa heating application. We also offer spa pumps and spa filters for smooth installation the
Currently, proper sanitization of your spa or pool is important to stay safe and protected during this COVID-19 pandemic situation. Therefore, buying right hot tubs chemical products makes really sense.
Now it’s easy and efficient with Bromine Pool and Spa Tablets available at Northern Lights Solar Solutions. All you need to do is to fill up pucks in your standard spa tablet dispenser. This way, you will leave your spa clean and properly sanitized.
These bromine tablets are approved to use for all varieties of wooden hot tubs, spas and pools. They are specifically formulated to work with different hot tubs and spas. Northern Lights bromine tablets work really well with standard spa puck dispensers.
They are able to control the growth of bacteria and algae in spa water. If you use them as directed, they work effectively like spa water sanitizer and disinfectant.
You should fill the dispenser and make adjustments on dial to maintain ideal sanitization level for the water volume as per the
When it comes to using hot tub plumbing in Canada for years to come, preventive maintenance goes a long way. You’ve likely the habit of cleaning your hot tub cover, shell and maintaining the water. Yet, there’s another important aspect of your hot tub that you often overlook, i.e., your hot tub plumbing.
Hot tub plumbing can give rise to a lot of nasty biofilms, the buildup of dirt and grime in the form of bacteria and other organic contaminants. However, your hot tub plumbing is a perfect place for bacterial growth. All they need is warm water, organic matter, and a surface. Please remember that they don’t require sunlight for growth and development.
The important signs to look out for a buildup in hot tub plumbing
- Check whether there’s any bad smell coming from hot tub water.
- Check whether the hot tub faces difficulty in balancing water, after a refill.
- Check whether the hot tub has dirty water or water film after a refill.
- Check whether you have an improperly drained hot tub
Here is a

- Hot Tub Heaters
- Balboa BP501
- Balboa circuit boards
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa spa heaters
- Balboa spa heaters
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa top side controls
- Balboa VS501
- Balboa VS501
- Balboa VS520
- hot tub accessories
- hot tub chemicals
- hot tub cover
- hot tub cover
- Hot Tub Heaters
- Hot Tub Plumbing in Canada
- hot tub pump
- hot tub pump
- Round Hot Tubs
- spa heater