A Balboa spa heater stops working due to so many reasons. It may be due to issues with the Balboa heater tubes or the spa controller. Read the post and know when you need to replace your Balboa spa heater.
1. Check the water flow.
Your Balboa spa heater works efficiently on adequate water flow. A pressure switch connects to the heater chamber that detects the water flow. If the flow of water is too low, the heater stops working.
If this is an issue with your spa heating system, repairing the spa heater parts is unnecessary. The problem can be due to a dirty spa filter. You must remove the spa cartridge, clean the filter and check the pressure or flow rate. Other causes can be clogged spa jets or pipes, a broken pump impeller, or a broken valve. They can often reduce the water flow into your spa or hot tub, causing the spa heater to stop working.
2. Check the thermostat.
The thermostat is the dial you turn to increase the heat. Currently, most hot tubs have a solid-state thermostat

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- Balboa spa heaters
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- Hot Tub Heaters
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- spa heater