Published on 07/24/2020 10:12 am
How Do You Replace Balboa Circuit Boards?
Want to take advantage of personal spa at home? If yes, then you should invest in Balboa spa kits. However, the circuit boards are the important part of your hot tub. Earlier, they are made of air switches and relays to turn on and off things. Currently, circuit boards and wires are the brain of your spa. They control everything from your filtration system to your lights and everything in between.
Over the time, Balboa circuit boards experience wear and tear. Therefore, you have to understand your spa control system circuit board so that you can properly identify the circuit board part number. When you find the sticker unattached to the circuit board, you can still identify it by the primary chipset part number.
If a sticker is still attached to the circuit board, you’ll identify the Balboa part number on it easily. It will be the first set of number that starts with the number “5”. The number will be either five digits long or five digits proceeded by a dash and two additional digits like 54115 or 54115-02.
In addition, you can do search this number to find the right replacement for the circuit board. If you find it, you’re more than likely to replace the spa control system yourself. It may sound big; but it may not be. Balboa provides perfectly engineered Balboa Value Pack Retrofit Kits. In short and simple words, they are the complete spa control system replacement solutions for your hot tub.
In most situations, you may find that replacing the entire control system or spa pack is actually less costly than the circuit board. When it comes to replacing the entire control system, you’ll give a new lease on life to your hot tub.
If the circuit board costs over $250, it’s suggested to discuss with your solar installer about the replacing the entire system. However, the price of retrofit kits starts at $300 and they’re relatively easy to replace. Keep in mind that, an experienced spa technician is must for the spa circuit board replacement.
Over time, the sticker attached to the circuit board becomes old and cracked and the adhesive used on the sticker makes it to fall off of the circuit board completely. If it happens, you can identify the circuit board through the primary chipset number, as present below on the right.
Remember, the chipset number is the top set of numbers. For example, the chipset number will be LITELDR1A. You can contact with Northern Lights solar installer to identify your circuit board and choose by the chipset method.
Moreover, the circuit board of your Balboa hot tub kit is one of the many parts that make your hot tub a wonderful bubbly soak; but keeping it in top condition and having the right one is the difference between a bucket of water and backyard oasis.
If you’re looking for replacement Balboa circuit boards and you’re unsure about which model to choose, Northern Lights Cedar Tubs Direct can help you. Feel free to contact us as soon as possible at 1-800-759-8990 and we’ll get back to you right away!

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