Published on 05/29/2020 10:44 am
How Do You Know to Fix or Replace Spa Pumps?
Do you have a worn hot tub pump? Thinking whether to replace or fix spa pumps? Please check out this post below and know your appropriate solution.
Generally, water tends to flow from the hot tub through the heating element and filtration system and gets back into the tub. To accomplish this objective, all hot tubs come with spa pumps that keep the flow going.
The hot tub pump has moving parts and all machinery that produce constant motion. Eventually, these parts wear out with use. So, when you find worn spa pumps, what will you do?
Are you adept at dismantling and restoring hot tub pumps? If yes, fixing a worn out hot tub pump may be a feasible alternative to go for. You can make assumptions that you can take a water pump apart and identify the problem. You’re likely to know that it costs more to repair than investing in a new pump.
So, how you know the warning signs when the hot tub pump is about to fail? You’ll come across several tell-tell noises and one to two visual clues. If you hear a constant whining noise or intermittent coming from the pump motor, you’re facing a common problem with older pumps i.e. worn bearings. Considering replacement is a costly endeavor and you’re better off purchasing a new hot tub pump.
Another warning sign you should look for is the low-pitched humming noise along with less or no flow of water. It indicates that the motor has stopped turning for some reasons. Usually, this may be a frozen shaft or ball bearing seized up due to constant wear and tear.
This sound can be due to jammed impeller of the pump. The impeller draws water into the pump and pushes it out again. It’s present in the wet-end of the pump unit i.e. the end opposite the actual motor.
However, the water puddles under the spa pump are the right visual clue to a problem and indicate that the watertight seals have provided way. This is probably the easiest things to repair and you may not need a new pump.
If you find that your hot tub pump is about to fail, it’s not very costly to replace as compared to the overall cost of the entire hot tub. You can find excellent replacement spa pumps on Cedar Tubs Direct at affordable prices.

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