Soaking in warm spas offer a soothing feel and relaxation that we usually get through massages, spa treatments or any other holistic method for health improvement. How to keep the spa warm? Two things can be done to keep spa warmer i.e. heating the water and insulating the spa so that the heat doesn’t get lost. And today there are different types of spa heaters available that can help you get a delightful warmer soaking experience. Out of those electric spa heaters and gas spa heaters are preferred the most. Other options are fossil fuel heaters that run on propane, heat pumps and solar heaters.
Let us find out what makes gas and electric spa heaters most preferable over other options!
Gas Spa Heaters
Gas spa heaters are the most commonly used for heating pools and spas. Why? Because, these run on natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which are easily available in the market. Also these are easy to regulate. Besides these, there are a lot of benefits that make gas spa heaters a hit; these are heaters that are fueled by natural gas heat up spas the fastest i.e. within a few minutes which is half the time taken by electric heaters. Few other benefits include low running cost, convenient, minimal maintenance and instant availability.
Electric Spa Heaters
Electric spa heaters are built as stand-alone units where the water flows from the pump to the filter which then flows to the element tank for heating. Large and commercial heaters come with separate cabinets whereas the small portable electric heaters have heaters mounted to other equipments and the controls are integrated into a common spa control panel. The portable heaters have limited power supply and hence are used for small pools or spas. As the running costs are high and longer time taken to warm up, electric heaters are not considered ideal for larger spas.
Northern Lights manufacture and provide variety of high quality spa heaters at fair prices. For more details visit

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