Are you looking to buy a replacement spa pack? If yes, then why don’t you purchase the Balboa BP501 retrofit kit spa pack! This spa pack comes with a 5.5 KW digital spa controller that features wireless smart phone integration. It integrates with your iPhone, iTouch, pad and android devices.
The Innovative Features of Balboa BP501 Spa Pack
Reliability –
The Balboa BP series comes with newly designed and highly advanced spa packs that focus on reliability. They use improved carbon bases that are highly flame retardant and impact resistant. The spa packs have new features like quick disconnect heater elements, Wi-FI connectivity, press and hold topside navigation buttons, etc.
Retrofit Kit –
Balboa BP501 is a retrofit kit and is specifically designed to replace the complete spa pack like Gecko, Colman, Hydro Quip, Spa Guts, Arctic Spa, LA Spas, Beach Comber, Sundance, Emerald Spas, Hydro Spa, Maxx Spa, Hot Spring, etc.
As discussed above, this retrofit kit has the TP600 digital top side

- Hot Tub Heaters
- Balboa BP501
- Balboa circuit boards
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa spa heaters
- Balboa spa heaters
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa top side controls
- Balboa VS501
- Balboa VS501
- Balboa VS520
- hot tub accessories
- hot tub chemicals
- hot tub cover
- hot tub cover
- Hot Tub Heaters
- Hot Tub Plumbing in Canada
- hot tub pump
- hot tub pump
- Round Hot Tubs
- spa heater