What to do when the Balboa circuit boards break down? Are you aware of your spa circuit board? Circuit boards are one of the most commonly replaced spa components.
What Is a Circuit Board and What it does?
The control pack is the principal component of your spa. The circuit board is one of the essential parts of the control pack that ensures your spa’s proper function.
Your spa’s circuit board is a printed circuit board (PCB) that you find in many electronic devices. The spa circuit board is designed to perform a specific set of tasks under comparatively extreme conditions. You can say the circuit board acts as your spa’s central nervous system. It controls all of its vital activities and automatic functions through electromagnetic relays. The circuit board control functions, like water-flow, high-limit sensors, operation of temperature, filtration, water temperature, spa lights, and jets and blowers.
When to Replace Spa’s Circuit Board?
Over time your circuit board wears out due to overheating and may fail. Being a spa’s the circuit board is exposed to all kinds of harsh conditions. So a circuit board’s life expectancy is usually between nine to ten years. If you take proper care and attention, then the circuit board could last as long as twenty years. You may need to replace the circuit board at least a few times over many years of ownership.
How to Replace Spa’s Circuit Board?
In the present day, most spas on the market today are manufactured using Balboa Water Group components. Here, the Balboa circuit boards are given as an example to help you know how to make the replacement.
Here are the two most effective methods for getting the right circuit board for your Balboa spa.
Method 1: Check the Serial Number:
The most accurate method for identifying and replacing your circuit board is the serial number. It contains your board’s product number. The product serial number is a series of several numbers (preceded by ‘SN’ or ‘S/N’) found on the rectangular white sticker on the front or back of your printed circuit board. The first five to seven numbers of your spa’s circuit board serial number represent the product number. Beneath the serial number, you find the model of the board.
Method 2: Consider the Chip Number:
On a small white sticker on your board, you can find the chip number! You can also find the chip number written in black marker on the back of the circuit board. The chip number enables you to identify your circuit board using the handy chipset cross reference provided by the Balboa Water Group. It gives you the ability to track down your board’s part number and match it to the chipset.
To determine if the Balboa circuit boards need replacement or which circuit board is right for you, call us at 1-800-759-8990. With us, get the detailed instruction on changing the circuit Board of your Balboa spa. If you want to make the purchase, then browse through this link: https://www.cedartubsdirect.com/balboa-ciruit-boards-c-115_116.html

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