Do you just love your hot tub? Your hot tub water is properly balanced and warm; but you find something missing. However, you need hot tub accessories for your ultimate hot tub experience.
Soaking in a hot tub feels amazing; but with good quality hot tub accessories, it can be a paradise. Whether you want to create a peaceful spa retreat, family bonding or good ambience for your get together, your hot tub will make you most out of your overall experience.
If you seek for functionality and convenience, taking a hot tub session will give you ultimate relaxation and peace of mind you and your guests want. Here are some of the best accessories you prefer buying for your hot tub:
1. Hot Tub Cover
A hot tub is a big investment in your home. Therefore, you need to protect your hot tub from the external elements. This is where a hot tub cover comes in handy. It helps in providing lower operational costs by ensuring additional insulation.
When you use a hot tub cover, it’ll keep the heat absorbed
Do you use spa pumps often? If yes, you can use a quality spa pump in an average of five to ten years. If you’ve used your spa pumps more than five years and started showing problems or major breakdowns, it’s better to consider spa pump replacement rather than troubleshooting different components.
Understanding a Spa Pump
Generally, a spa pump is an important piece of equipment for a spa or hot tub. It draws water into the filtration system where its momentum pushes water through the filter, heater and spa jets prior to water going back to the spa.
A spa pump comprises of two main components like a motor and wet end. Generally, the motor powers up the impeller which is present inside the wet end. The impeller starts propelling the water through a discharge port on the pump present on the side or center part of the house.
This spa pump is available in one or two speeds and has horsepower that ranges from 1/8 HP for spas that only require water circulation to 5 HP for spas with a large
Do you have a costly spa or hot tub heater that requires the spa pack upgraded or replaced? This is where the Balboa VS520 – premium hot tub system comes in. It’s the unit that can handle nearly every combination of electrical requirements. This hot tub heater and spa pack uses the latest M7 technology, the best spa technology available on the market. It has completely digital circuitry which means less failure, more accurate heating and simple to use.
The Balboa VS520 hot tub heater is a premium hot tub heating kit perfectly designed to retrofit even the most existing spas. It features with a plastic exterior in order to protect against water entrance and corrosion. Its 5.5w heating unit can be installed into the existing PVC plumbing and can be wired for 60Hz and 240VAC convertible power.
The use of integrated connectors in the circuit board makes the installation process easy and its effortless design eliminates the unnecessary energy costs. This spa heating pack comes with a heater
Saltwater Sanitization Kits: –
Do you want to switch to salt water sanitization? But do not want to consider re-plumbing your hot tub or spa? If yes, then there is a solution to your problem, Tubby Spa Pilot Saltwater Sanitization kit. This kit is manufactured by Lectranator, the largest manufacturer of commercial salt water pool system around the world. It is a simple yet efficient kit; which requires absolutely no plumbing.
However, salt water sanitization has become a popular choice for sanitizing hot tubs, pools and spas. Though salt water has been commonly used in Australia and Europe for nearly 40 years, now it has become more common choice in North America.
Installation Procedure: –
Add the Tubby Starter Salts to the water.
Install the Tubby by plugging it into a GFI protected plug or your spa pack
Make some adjustment in the power setting according the amount of chlorine your hot tub needs
Add power pouches or MPS Shock after bathing
Quick Facts About Tubby Saltwater Sanitization Kit:
More often, sauna bathers never give a second thought to hot tub plumbing in Canada. When it comes to enjoying hot tub sessions, all you want is to focus on relaxation and enjoyment. You won’t need to figure out how water gets pushed through the jets.
At least once in a while, you should find yourself wondering how your hot tub creates soothing and tranquil ambiance. Take a look at this post and understand better about hot tub plumbing systems in Canada:
Understanding the Basic Details of Hot Tub Plumbing Kits
Now it’s time to get started with an empty hot tub. First of all, you should know what will happen when you fill it with water.
Skimmer and Suction Line –
Suction line will start sucking in water whereas the skimmer will remove debris like leaves, insects, etc. Both the skimmer and suction line are responsible for sending water to the pump.
Filter and Pump –
After that, the suction line collects the water and the skimmer takes it to the pump. The pump pushes the water towards the
When you’ve finally decided to buy a hot tub, you may be flooded with plentiful choices to choose from. However, hot tubs have been around for a quite long time so it’s obvious that there are so many models to choose from than the dish soaps or soda pops.
You often ask yourself, “What hot tub you should buy?” Ultimately, it will be a personal choice. So we’ve come up with a post that will focus on so many questions you should remember when deciding to spend your money. Your decision on hot tub depends on so many things including types of spa heaters you want to go with. Besides, there are much more to consider; read on to know more:
1. Who will use the hot tub?
If you want to use the hot tub, you should get the go-ahead from your doctor or are already enough to utilize a hot tub without any issue. After that, you should ask yourself who is going to use it. It doesn’t make sense to have a 2 person hot tub if you have a 5 person family.
Obviously, someone will b always left out and it could
Hot tub accessories play a significant role in creating wonderful experience. Spa and hot tub ionizer makes for the best selection for your relaxing hot tub session. If you are looking for a perfect way to minimize chemical consumption in your pool or spa, a hot tub spa and pool mineral ionizer sanitization is must.
With Argenia Clear Blue Mineral Spa & Hot Tub Ionizer A-400 -120V, you will have a cleaner hot tub. You won’t need to get stressed about chemical maintenance and ongoing expenses constantly. If you are looking for an affordable alternative to chemical sanitization, you should consider mineral ionization.
Ionization is a process that occurs naturally when atoms gain or lose electrons. Natural minerals when charged electrically work like ionizers. Argenia Clear Blue ionization system uses three different metals like silver, zinc and copper ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.
The Presence of Metals in Spa & Hot Tub Sanitizer –
Silver (Ag) –
Silver ions kill over 650 types
Soaking in warm spas offer a soothing feel and relaxation that we usually get through massages, spa treatments or any other holistic method for health improvement. How to keep the spa warm? Two things can be done to keep spa warmer i.e. heating the water and insulating the spa so that the heat doesn’t get lost. And today there are different types of spa heaters available that can help you get a delightful warmer soaking experience. Out of those electric spa heaters and gas spa heaters are preferred the most. Other options are fossil fuel heaters that run on propane, heat pumps and solar heaters.
Let us find out what makes gas and electric spa heaters most preferable over other options!
Gas Spa Heaters
Gas spa heaters are the most commonly used for heating pools and spas. Why? Because, these run on natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which are easily available in the market. Also these are easy to regulate. Besides these, there are a lot of benefits that make gas spa heaters a
Balboa EL2000 Elite Series spa pack is the most advanced spa pack of Balboa Elite series. This spa pack is ideal for both commercial and residential spa owners seeking for additional sophistication in control options. Even, it’s perfect for those who need remote or wireless control and monitoring.
Balboa EL2000 comes with 5.5-1.5 KW Digital Spa Controller and multiple control options like ozone suppression, clean up cycle after use, panel lock, and real time clock. The real time clock feature allows you set the filter cycles by the time of a day and on a 12 hour or 24 hour cycle.
This spa pack supports both 12 volt and 120 volt lights and fiber optic wheel lighting. The Elite series supports wireless RF remote control and monitoring through computer software applications and modem or high speed networks.
Balboa EL2000 uses M7 technology, the best spa pack technology available on the market. This Elite series spa pack has complete digital circuitry ensuring less failure and more precise

- Hot Tub Heaters
- Balboa BP501
- Balboa circuit boards
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa EL2000
- Balboa spa heaters
- Balboa spa heaters
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa Spa Parts Canada
- Balboa top side controls
- Balboa VS501
- Balboa VS501
- Balboa VS520
- hot tub accessories
- hot tub chemicals
- hot tub cover
- hot tub cover
- Hot Tub Heaters
- Hot Tub Plumbing in Canada
- hot tub pump
- hot tub pump
- Round Hot Tubs
- spa heater