Published on 12/31/2020 10:50 am
5 Tips to Buy the Right Hot Tub Heaters
Have you owned and used a hot tub for years? Do you find the hot tub heater not working? If yes, then you might be in need of a replacement hot tub heater. Nowadays hot tubs and spas feature with electric or gas powered hot tub heaters.
Therefore, you need to make a choice between them while picking out the right replacement for your hot tub spa at home. But this doesn’t imply that you won’t change your mind in the middle or face a break down heater that needs immediate replacement.
Here are a few important tips to consider for buying the right hot tub heating kit:
1. Going with solar –
If you’ve been using hot tubs for long, obviously the hot tub heaters get inefficient, energy guzzling over time. It will end up costing you more, if you want to use it. Besides, you can consider installing a modern solar powered hot tub heater that eliminates your additional energy costs.
But you’ll need to live in a location that receives enormous amount of unobstructed sunlight during daytime. It’s worth looking into, if you’re very much concerned about the higher heating costs of your spa heater.
2. Consider gas availability –
When it comes to choosing between the hot tub heaters – gas or electric, it’s better to go with a cheaper option in your area and also the availability of gas. However, you can consider using natural gas or propane with many gas heaters so that more options should be factored into your final decision.
3. Take professional help –
While considering the superior option as a heater, you’ll come across a good array of arguments from both types of hot tub heaters. Therefore, you should seek for professional help and they’ll help you know all the merits and demerits of each type hot tub heater, as well as your needs as per your location, budget and other additional pertinent issues.
4. Know your needs -
Nevertheless of type of hot tub heater you’re going to buy for your hot tub, it’s important to remember that a larger heater heats up water faster whereas a smaller one will take longer. This will be a key factor to consider depending on your preferences regarding hot tubbing.
Do you just love to soak spontaneously? And want to use the spa just on a moment’s notice? If yes, considering a larger heater makes perfect sense. Again if you wish to make plans for your soaks prior and do it rarely on the spur of the moment, buying a smaller heater will be a perfect choice. It will help you heat water gradually.
5. Consider heat transfer efficiency
The last but not the least point you should consider while buying hot tub heating kit is the material used in the internal parts of any hot tub heater you’re intending to buy. You should make sure it’s made by focusing more on heat transfer efficiency.
Otherwise, you may need to pay less for a heater and will end up costing you more in the long run as it leaks heat over the use. After all, you don’t wish to pay to heat just anything but your water!
Bottom Line
So, what’s your take on choosing the hot tub heaters? Again are you in search of right replacement for hot tub spa? Please check out the Balboa hot tub heaters available for sale at Cedar Tubs Direct and make the right selection for a refreshing hot tubbing session! For more information about our products, please visit our website at

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